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Student Portal

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Ongoing Assessment so students can't pause between questions

After students respond to a question, add a "Submit and Next Question" option so that students can't pause between questions. Currently, after responding students are lead back to the Assessment page to select the next question.
Sam Slagle almost 5 years ago in Assessments / Student Portal 4 Planned

Word Count for Text Responses

Could we get a word count displayed for students when they respond with text? It's common to give students a goal of XXX words, especially in lower levels, so they can push themselves and elaborate. Word count for students. Word count for teachers...
Jessica Sloan almost 2 years ago in Student Portal 0 Planned

Fixing video playback

Students should by default be able to pause videos and navigate videos as they normally do on other video watching platforms. Preventing students from pausing videos can cause of a lot of waiting and impatience for students, who then have to try t...
Grant Castner about 2 years ago in Submissions 1 Planned