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Add stamps/emojis for quick graded items

It would be nice to include stamps for quick graded items. Here is an idea for that ( ).
Sam Slagle over 1 year ago in Gradebook 0

Assessment level report of navigation warnings by student

Although teachers can pop through each question and see which question has navigation warnings, it's more challenging for them to get a complete picture of the total times a student left an assessment or how many students received navigation warni...
Holly Strand over 1 year ago in Gradebook 0

Support multiple audio per question

As an instructor there are several scenarios where I may want or need to add multiple audio or audio and a video to a question. For example, reading tasks directions out loud and then adding an audio clip for a listening comprehension task. Or, an...
Holly Strand over 1 year ago in Assessments 0

Question bank

Created questions can be selected to add to a question bank for easier assessment creation. When adding to the question bank teachers could tag the question with different parameters for easier filtering later on (summative, formative, etc.)
Holly Strand over 1 year ago in Assessments 0

Ability to manually assign rooms instead of always automatically grouping students

For Sync and Async Rooms, it would be nice if teachers had the option to choose if Extempore Groupings are assigned Automatically (current functionality) or Manually (new). There are times when it is a lot easier to manually create the rooms compa...
Guest over 1 year ago in Group - Synchronous 0

Record simulated conversation in the platform

Allow instructors to record audio in the platform after selecting AP sim. conv. It would be great if the recording feature could function like audio on iMovie or similar where I could insert a beep/pause/beep to quickly create my own practice. Thi...
Holly Strand over 1 year ago in Assessments 0

Parent portal

Teachers need simple ways to share student work. Downloading from the grade book is helpful but many parents want to be more involved than that, especially parents with kiddos in EL. It's cumbersome for teachers with helicopter parents in their cl...
Holly Strand over 1 year ago in Teacher Portal 0

Word Count for Text Responses

Could we get a word count displayed for students when they respond with text? It's common to give students a goal of XXX words, especially in lower levels, so they can push themselves and elaborate. Word count for students. Word count for teachers...
Jessica Sloan over 1 year ago in Student Portal 0 Planned

Ability to create charts for written response

Ability to create different formats for written answers so instructors can have students complete graphic organizers, conjugation charts, etc. Conjugation chart T Chart Venn Diagram Vocabulary 4 Square CER KWL
Holly Strand over 1 year ago in Questions 0

Ability to Crop YouTube Videos

Similar to cropping for AP, ability to crop YT videos will make the feature more useful for instructors who only want to use a certain segment of a YT video.
Holly Strand over 1 year ago in Assessments 1