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Created by Michael Young
Created on Nov 30, 2022

Having one assessment have multiple parts with different question types

It would be nice to be able to design an assessment where listening with MC, a speaking prompt, and a written question can all live within the same assessment.

To take it one step further, it would be nice to then also be able to set time limits per section to help move students through each section.

  • Attach files
  • Michael Young
    Dec 1, 2022

    I'm not sure I understand your follow-up questions. Can we discuss this when we meet online?

  • Admin
    Sam Slagle
    Nov 30, 2022

    Shoot, I realized after my comment that you're referring to Async Groups which is part of future plans for more response types and multiple questions.

    How would you envision a MC question for async functioning? Would each student be responsible for answering the MC question themselves?

  • Admin
    Sam Slagle
    Nov 30, 2022

    Hi Michael, the ability to set a response type per question was released in July to do exactly what you're referring to.

    Next week, response type will actually be removed completely from the assessment level to ensure this is more clear!