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Student Portal

Showing 22

Add video responses for simulated conversation

As a teacher, sometimes I want students to respond via video to simulated conversation prompts so I can see the student on the camera.
Guest over 1 year ago in Submissions 1

Word Count for Text Responses

Could we get a word count displayed for students when they respond with text? It's common to give students a goal of XXX words, especially in lower levels, so they can push themselves and elaborate. Word count for students. Word count for teachers...
Jessica Sloan over 1 year ago in Student Portal 0 Planned

Sync Room Whiteboard

Adding a whiteboard feature to sync for students to write/type together similar to Zoom whiteboards or a shared Google Doc for collaborating. The whiteboard would be submitted along with the video recording. This would allow students to better rec...
Holly Strand over 1 year ago in Submissions 0

Allowing a chat feature within rooms for students who have been randomly matched for a convo

I would like assign live video conversations outside of class and have students who have been matched with each other to be able to chat with each other (to set up a meeting time or to help each other during the conversation if they are stuck) (an...
Liliane Duséwoir over 1 year ago in Student Portal 0

Change submitted answers from green to another color OR make only correct answers green

Students assume their answers are correct when they see the box turn green. Then they are confused when their score isn't a 100 and they have all green boxes.
Guest over 1 year ago in Submissions 2 Unlikely to implement

Fixing video playback

Students should by default be able to pause videos and navigate videos as they normally do on other video watching platforms. Preventing students from pausing videos can cause of a lot of waiting and impatience for students, who then have to try t...
Grant Castner almost 2 years ago in Submissions 1 Planned

Allow students to save and come back to written response questions to keep responding later

If a student doesn't have enough time to submit a written response, it would be nice to allow them to "Save as Draft" so they can open the question where they left off when they are ready. Only applicable when the response type is Written and Mult...
Sam Slagle about 2 years ago in Submissions 0

Option for students matched in the same synchronous room to communicate with each other prior to assignment (to set up meeting time)

When assigning a synchronized activity, the system randomizes how students are matched. I leverage this a great feature to have students from different sections match (and given that they don't know each other, they have to truly negotiate meaning...
Liliane Duséwoir about 2 years ago in Student Portal 1

Feedback Notification

It would be amazing if students were notified via email that feedback has been left for them.
Guest over 2 years ago in Student Portal 1 Already exists

Sound after prep time is up

When students are given time to review a question their screens darken and they cannot see when the 3, 2, 1 appears. THis has caused some students to begin their recordings late or not record at all. If possible, can a sound effect be added when t...
Michael Young over 2 years ago in Student Portal 0 Unlikely to implement