Allow student roles and different prompts for synchronous assessments
It would be terrific if students could enter synchronous mode and see two different halves of an information gap activity. I.e. Student A sees Prompt A, student B sees Prompt B, then they use the information on their respective prompts to carry ou...
This feature would help ELL with identifying and correcting errors on Extempore. Additional timer for writing responses that enables a time to edit their response. It would be nice if the teacher could determine if the prompt will show/not show du...
Allows students to simulate a text exchange with the same test security parameters as interpersonal speaking (i.e. notified if students leave the tab, timed session).
Allow students to first response with text, and then read their text response with audio/video
If we allow students to answer with both writing AND speaking, we can assess their language proficiency in multi-areas. Student responds to question via text Student sees text response and records themselves reading the response
It would be nice to be able to hide the timer from student view. It makes some students nervous when responding and therefore do not respond thoroughly. Or it might be helpful to have a timer that is hidden up until a certain point so that the stu...
I was trying to make a multiple choice question with answers that are the letters A, B, C, D. Since the answers randomize order, the letters are not always in ABCD order, and that can be confusing for younger students.
Fran Caposello
about 1 year ago
in Assessments
Likely to implement
The teacher should be able to control all aspects of the recording. For example, I say a prompt, and then I press record, for the kids to provide a response. Then I stop the recording and provide another prompt. This would benefit all of us - it b...
Allow being able to activate/close/hide an assessment
I would like to be able to make an assessment active or close it without it being locked behind the "accept late work" option in preferences and having to change the due date when I'm not accepting late work. Being able to hide an assessment from ...