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Teacher Portal

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Questions to appear above the answer choices

This was a suggestion sent from Richardson ISD by email: We would like the questions to appear above the answer choices, not above the reading selection. The teachers are reporting this is confusing the students, since they usually see questions a...
Haley Martinez 7 months ago in Questions 0 Unlikely to implement

Add stamps/emojis for quick graded items

It would be nice to include stamps for quick graded items. Here is an idea for that ( ).
Sam Slagle 11 months ago in Gradebook 0

Grading setting, already graded move to bottom of list

It would be great if once you finish grading student's assessment, it went to the bottom of the list. So the top of the grading list is what you still have to complete grading
Guest over 2 years ago in Grading 1

Ability to send a sample of the student work and email to parents

Ability to enter a parents email address to send them a summary of the students work. Allow teacher to add a note to the parent Allow teacher to specify which questions/assignments parent is seeing
Sam Slagle over 3 years ago in Teacher Portal 2 Planning to implement

Ordered Event Responses

Have a question type where the teacher can create a series of sentences that the student needs to put into the correct order of events from a story.
Jeenna Canche 7 months ago in Group - Asynchronous 1

Question bank

Created questions can be selected to add to a question bank for easier assessment creation. When adding to the question bank teachers could tag the question with different parameters for easier filtering later on (summative, formative, etc.)
Holly Strand 11 months ago in Assessments 0

Accent Keyboard For Teachers Giving Feedback

I have multiple teachers who have asked if we have an accent keyboard option for when they are providing written feedback like we do for the students when submitting their written work.
Britany Schachtner over 2 years ago in Grading 1

Ability to delete/archive assessments without first deleting or grading each student response

Sometimes an extempore will be assigned with the main purpose of increasing on task behavior, but due to limited instructor time, the instructor may not to grade every assignment like this. To de-clutter the Classes, Grading and Gradebook pages it...
Mike Braden about 4 years ago in Assessments 1 Likely to implement

Hide response timer from students

It would be nice to be able to hide the timer from student view. It makes some students nervous when responding and therefore do not respond thoroughly. Or it might be helpful to have a timer that is hidden up until a certain point so that the stu...
Fran Caposello 5 months ago in Assessments 0

Option to not randomize Multiple Choice options

I was trying to make a multiple choice question with answers that are the letters A, B, C, D. Since the answers randomize order, the letters are not always in ABCD order, and that can be confusing for younger students.
Fran Caposello 5 months ago in Assessments 0 Likely to implement