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Different Colors For Prompt vs Answer Sound Waves for AP Simulated conversation

When students play the audio and simultaneously record their response, I cannot hear the audio. I only hear their response. It makes it difficult to know which prompt they are responding to or if they spoke for the entire 20 seconds they are given...
Guest about 3 years ago in Desktop / Questions 2 Likely to implement

Students having the ability to save written responses for later without submitting

As an instructor, I would like my students to have the ability to save written responses so that they can come back and edit the response before submitting. This is especially useful when students are being asked to write essays, becuase essays wi...
Guest about 3 years ago in Student Portal 0

Video Responses for Asynchronous Group Assessments

I would like to be able to assign group assessments where the students are answering via video for my ASL classes so that my students can do a pen pal type activity.
Guest about 3 years ago in Assessments 1 Likely to implement

Accept more file upload types for question prompts like PDF, .Docs, etc.

It would be fabulous if I could upload a .pdf or a .doc file as an upload on my prompt. Right now it only accepts images, audio, video, and such but it won't allow me to upload a document.
Ana Diaz about 3 years ago in Assessments 1

Grading setting, already graded move to bottom of list

It would be great if once you finish grading student's assessment, it went to the bottom of the list. So the top of the grading list is what you still have to complete grading
Guest about 3 years ago in Grading 1

Accent Keyboard For Teachers Giving Feedback

I have multiple teachers who have asked if we have an accent keyboard option for when they are providing written feedback like we do for the students when submitting their written work.
Britany Schachtner over 3 years ago in Grading 1

Support Windows/Azure SSO

No description provided
Carlos Seoane over 3 years ago in Integrations 0

Multiple Media Prompts

It would be ideal to have two types of media in a prompt. For example, the text could say "Talk about what you see in the image" and there be a corresponding image and audio that says "Talk about what you see in the image" for our students who can...
Guest over 3 years ago in Questions 1 Already exists

Private 'question names' for teachers

Currently, teachers can enter a 'Question Name' on Extempore which is visible to students upon opening the question. This feature would make the 'Question Name' private to teachers so that it can be used as a 'Key' to better guide teachers on what...
Guest over 3 years ago in Assessments 0

Option to have both, Multiple choice AND recording for student answers

I find this useful for beginning students who are not yet ready to engage in conversation and need a lot of scaffolding. This way they can listen to a prompt, select an answer from multiple options, listen to the answer, and then record that answe...
Linda Froehlich over 3 years ago in Assessments 0