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Categories Assessments
Created by Guest
Created on May 5, 2020

Ability to Assign Assessments to Individual Students

Right now any assessment is available to everyone in the class. There are times when one student might need a different time limit than others.

If some students didn't complete an assessment there would be less confusion when making the assessment available again for everyone.

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As a <type of user>

I want to <perform some task>

so that I can <achieve some goal>



exclude some students from an assessment

exclude absent students or students who don't need access

Idea 1:

  • When parameters are expanded from CreateSkill provide an option to "Exclude Students"

  • Teachers select "Exclude Students" to display a table of students w/ checkboxes

  • Teacher unchecks students who should be excluded and saves

  • Gradebook UI would need an indicator for students not assigned

Idea 2:

  1. Replace "Next" button from CreateExercise to "Assign"

  2. Selecting "Assign" opens popup with checkbox options

    1. Assign to all students within [class]

    2. Assign to only some students with [class]

      1. Display student list to uncheck students from being assigned

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      Drop here to upload
    • +1
    1 MERGED

    choose certain students to give assessment

    No description provided
    Guest almost 2 years ago in Assessments 0
    1 MERGED

    Differentiating Questions

    I would like to be able to take an assignment individually assign it to certain students in a class (ex: Special Education students). I do not wish to have to make a separate class for those specific students so they can have a separate task and d...
    Guest over 2 years ago in Questions 0
    1 MERGED

    Assigning assignment to particular students

    I'm not sure if this already exists, but sometimes when students are absent it would be nice to be able to disable them from accessing the assessment.
    Michael Young almost 2 years ago in Assessments 1