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Categories Grading Rubrics
Created by Sarah Desaulniers
Created on Oct 9, 2020

Have Proficiency Based Grading Scale Available in Rubrics Instead of Numbers

As districts switch from traditional grades to competency-based grades, it would be helpful to mark students in terms of their proficiency level instead of a numeric score. Instead of 0-10 the breakdown would be No Evidence, In Progress, Partially Proficient, Proficient, and Proficient with Distinction. As you move the curser to the right, instead of a number appearing in the box, one of these terms appear.

It may not automatically calculate a final total (if the assessment has more than one question), but having a slider at the end of the assessment could allow the teacher to determine proficiency level overall OR the various terms could be assigned a numeric value to allow the system to automatically calculate a proficiency level.

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  • Lisa Parra Staves
    Sep 21, 2022

    I agree with the comment from Nov. 2020: teachers should be able to set their own "words" for criteria, instead of (or in addition to) a number.

  • Weco Dihh
    Jun 23, 2022

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  • Guest
    Nov 19, 2020

    I love the idea of proficiency based grading but rather than the terms mentioned above, I would love the ability to create our own terms for proficiency levels.

  • +1

Option for letter grades

Some schools are not allowed to use a number scale. Having the option to select "Letter Grades" would better meet the needs of schools that do not allow number scales. Allow users to toggle between Numeric Score (1 to 10) or Letter Grade (Entered ...
Sam Slagle over 4 years ago in Grading 0 Shipped