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Option to have both, Multiple choice AND recording for student answers

I find this useful for beginning students who are not yet ready to engage in conversation and need a lot of scaffolding. This way they can listen to a prompt, select an answer from multiple options, listen to the answer, and then record that answe...
Linda Froehlich over 3 years ago in Assessments 0

Flexible room changes in synchronous

It would be great if we could have a feature similar to Zoom breakout rooms, where we could move students from room to room, even once the synchronous activity has already started. I know you can make changes ahead of time, but giving teachers thi...
Megan Williams over 3 years ago in Assessments 1 Unlikely to implement

It would be nice if the students did not see future tests / questions.

If I schedule a test for the future, I would like for the students not to see it. I have several who just for fun will click on everything. It would be great if the assessment would only be visible to the students for the day/date/hour that I sche...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Assessments 2 Already exists

Allow student roles and different prompts for synchronous assessments

It would be terrific if students could enter synchronous mode and see two different halves of an information gap activity. I.e. Student A sees Prompt A, student B sees Prompt B, then they use the information on their respective prompts to carry ou...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Assessments 0

Block students from assignments when they are absent

Sometimes students are absent during assessments. They only way I have been able to prevent them from attempting them (even if they only have 1 chance) is to post date the activity. It would be nice to have a tie in with the class list so that I c...
Michael Young about 4 years ago in Assessments 0

Allow external link upload for reference on assessments/questions

I would like the ability to load an external link to an assessment/question so that students can reference it prior to completing their speaking. For example, I may want them to watch a video or view an infographic before completing the assessment...
Guest about 4 years ago in Assessments 1

Add a feature that locks a question after an assessment is complete

When offering an assignment to more than one group of students, it's very hard to prevent cheating. Students are able to see, listen to and download their assessment. Can you create a locking option to prevent students from sharing assessments wit...
Guest over 4 years ago in Assessments 3 Already exists

Allow students to first response with text, and then read their text response with audio/video

If we allow students to answer with both writing AND speaking, we can assess their language proficiency in multi-areas. Student responds to question via text Student sees text response and records themselves reading the response
Guest over 4 years ago in Assessments 0

Alternative to timer flashing in their face

I have started to use the Extempore app for many at home quizzes, but students are stressing out about the screen going grey and flashing the numbers 3-2-1 in their face when they are about to be prompted to record (especially if they have already...
Isabel Janelli over 4 years ago in Assessments 2 Will not implement

Multiple Images Per Question

As a teacher, I want the ability to upload multiple images for a single question, creating an "Image Slideshow" for students to tab through while they record a single response. Sometimes images with a lot of information can be difficult for studen...
Guest over 4 years ago in Assessments 1