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Transfer students (and their data) to new class

While it is currently not possible to adjust time settings for a single student (for 504/iep accommodations), I am creating a separate 504/iep class for those students for when I do timed assessments and would need to adjust settings. I already st...
Megan Williams over 4 years ago in Classes 0

Allow students to first response with text, and then read their text response with audio/video

If we allow students to answer with both writing AND speaking, we can assess their language proficiency in multi-areas. Student responds to question via text Student sees text response and records themselves reading the response
Guest over 4 years ago in Assessments 0

The ability to release responses back to students all at once

Sometimes I want my students to use Extempore for practice so that both they and I can listen to their recordings. Currently it seems that the only way for me to give my students access to listen to their recordings is if I go through each student...
Michael Young about 2 years ago in Grading 3 Already exists

Option for teachers to receive an email notification when students submit an assignment

(Idea from Bill Langley) Currently teachers need to check the Gradebook to see if new responses have been submitted. Since that could turn into a lot of emails I'd like to propose two potential options. Option 1: Teacher receives an email with a l...
Sam Slagle about 2 years ago in Teacher Portal 0

Allow teachers to notify students when an assignment isn't complete

Currently teachers can notify students after an attempt is deleted but it would be a nice feature to be able to notify (nudge) students to complete an assignment that has unsubmitted questions. Notify one student at a time Notify all students who ...
Guest over 2 years ago in Gradebook 0

Hide response timer from students

It would be nice to be able to hide the timer from student view. It makes some students nervous when responding and therefore do not respond thoroughly. Or it might be helpful to have a timer that is hidden up until a certain point so that the stu...
Fran Caposello about 1 year ago in Assessments 0

Option to not randomize Multiple Choice options

I was trying to make a multiple choice question with answers that are the letters A, B, C, D. Since the answers randomize order, the letters are not always in ABCD order, and that can be confusing for younger students.
Fran Caposello about 1 year ago in Assessments 0 Likely to implement

Audio Feedback 'Key' (Canned audio feedback)

(Idea from Michael Young) There are times when the same feedback will be provided to multiple students instead of recording the same feedback multiple times.
Guest almost 5 years ago in Grading 1

Master record button controlled by teacher

The teacher should be able to control all aspects of the recording. For example, I say a prompt, and then I press record, for the kids to provide a response. Then I stop the recording and provide another prompt. This would benefit all of us - it b...
Guest over 1 year ago in Group - Synchronous 3

Speech Recognition for pronunciation

Sites like DuoLingo and SpanishDict have integrated speech recognition activities that will give immediate feedback on pronunciation. It would be a huge asset to have a type of question or activity (i.e. instead of "audio" or "video" response, it ...
Paul Ivers over 1 year ago in Questions 1