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Extempore Product

Showing 138

Download text submissions

So many teachers love downloading audio and video submissions, but have mentioned they'd like to download the written submissions as well. And to put the cherry on top, include the comments & score along with the submission.
Jessica Sloan over 1 year ago in Gradebook 0 Likely to implement

Randomize Questions to help avoid student cheating (question bank)

Ability to have a question bank while determining the number of questions that will be part of the assessment. For example, a teacher might have 10 questions in the question bank and selects that it is a 5 question assessment. By randomly assignin...
Sam Slagle almost 5 years ago in Assessments 0

Change submitted answers from green to another color OR make only correct answers green

Students assume their answers are correct when they see the box turn green. Then they are confused when their score isn't a 100 and they have all green boxes.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Submissions 2 Unlikely to implement

Bulk Download Responses from Assessment or Class

Idea from Carmen Vicente-Quesada. The ability to bulk download student responeses at the Class/Assessment level so that they can be retained and shared.
Sam Slagle over 4 years ago in Teacher Portal 0

Support multiple audio per question

As an instructor there are several scenarios where I may want or need to add multiple audio or audio and a video to a question. For example, reading tasks directions out loud and then adding an audio clip for a listening comprehension task. Or, an...
Holly Strand over 1 year ago in Assessments 0

Ability to manually assign rooms instead of always automatically grouping students

For Sync and Async Rooms, it would be nice if teachers had the option to choose if Extempore Groupings are assigned Automatically (current functionality) or Manually (new). There are times when it is a lot easier to manually create the rooms compa...
Guest over 1 year ago in Group - Synchronous 0

Group Feedback

When providing feedback for a group, it would be nice if I could choose from a dropdown who I want to leave a comment for. Currently, even though I hear all 3 students in 1 video, I have to switch which video I'm watching to leave a comment for a ...
Celeste Loia 4 months ago in Group - Synchronous 0

Blueprint course to build/edit/add assessments

A time-saving function in Canvas that we utilize is the ability to create a blueprint course and build activities in there to then push out to all classes and teachers associated with the blueprint course. I would love to see that available here. ...
Guest 11 months ago in Classes 0 Likely to implement

comment alert

students should receive an alert when the teacher has left a comment with grading an assignment. There should be a way for students to quickly see which questions in an assessment received a comment from the teacher.
Guest 12 months ago in Grading 1 Already exists

Ability to send a sample of the student work and email to parents

Ability to enter a parents email address to send them a summary of the students work. Allow teacher to add a note to the parent Allow teacher to specify which questions/assignments parent is seeing
Sam Slagle over 4 years ago in Teacher Portal 2 Planning to implement