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Ability to upload 1 media file and include multiple Multiple Choice questions for that one file

I would like to be able to upload a single media file while including many multiple choice questions so I don't need to upload the same media file for each question.
Guest about 1 year ago in Questions 0

Questions to appear above the answer choices

This was a suggestion sent from Richardson ISD by email: We would like the questions to appear above the answer choices, not above the reading selection. The teachers are reporting this is confusing the students, since they usually see questions a...
Haley Martinez over 1 year ago in Questions 0 Unlikely to implement

Master record button controlled by teacher

The teacher should be able to control all aspects of the recording. For example, I say a prompt, and then I press record, for the kids to provide a response. Then I stop the recording and provide another prompt. This would benefit all of us - it b...
Guest over 1 year ago in Group - Synchronous 3

Ordered Event Responses

Have a question type where the teacher can create a series of sentences that the student needs to put into the correct order of events from a story.
Jeenna Canche over 1 year ago in Group - Asynchronous 1

Speech Recognition for pronunciation

Sites like DuoLingo and SpanishDict have integrated speech recognition activities that will give immediate feedback on pronunciation. It would be a huge asset to have a type of question or activity (i.e. instead of "audio" or "video" response, it ...
Paul Ivers over 1 year ago in Questions 1

Option for teachers to choose audio only for sync rooms

As a teacher, I would like to prevent students from seeing eachother for some sync rooms so they aren't able to share an answer that they drew/wrote with their partner.
Guest over 1 year ago in Group - Synchronous 0 Likely to implement

Allow being able to activate/close/hide an assessment

I would like to be able to make an assessment active or close it without it being locked behind the "accept late work" option in preferences and having to change the due date when I'm not accepting late work. Being able to hide an assessment from ...
Jared Tree over 1 year ago in Assessments 0

Branching questions

When giving a multiple choice placement test, it would be helpful to determine different pathways. For example, if a student correctly answers questions 1-5 the teacher could determine that their next question is question 8 instead of 6. This woul...
Holly Strand over 1 year ago in Assessments 0

Download text submissions

So many teachers love downloading audio and video submissions, but have mentioned they'd like to download the written submissions as well. And to put the cherry on top, include the comments & score along with the submission.
Jessica Sloan over 1 year ago in Gradebook 0 Likely to implement

Add video responses for simulated conversation

As a teacher, sometimes I want students to respond via video to simulated conversation prompts so I can see the student on the camera.
Guest over 1 year ago in Submissions 1