Immediate question start for audio and video questions
I saw that the timer doesn´t start for the student until they play the audio question I uploaded. Please create a way to start recording students immediately upon entry to the question.
I wish there were a way to change the grading criteria after students have already submitted. I foolishly didn't have a rubric set for an assignment and couldn't change it because students had already submitted it.
Weronika Trejo
about 4 years ago
in Grading
Will not implement
Ability to upload 1 media file and include multiple Multiple Choice questions for that one file
I would like to be able to upload a single media file while including many multiple choice questions so I don't need to upload the same media file for each question.
This was a suggestion sent from Richardson ISD by email: We would like the questions to appear above the answer choices, not above the reading selection. The teachers are reporting this is confusing the students, since they usually see questions a...
Haley Martinez
over 1 year ago
in Questions
Unlikely to implement
I've found that when grading, when I move from one student to the next, rather than being brought to the next student's first response, I am present with their last question to listen to and grade.
Michael Young
about 2 years ago
in Bug
Already exists
Different Colors For Prompt vs Answer Sound Waves for AP Simulated conversation
When students play the audio and simultaneously record their response, I cannot hear the audio. I only hear their response. It makes it difficult to know which prompt they are responding to or if they spoke for the entire 20 seconds they are given...
about 3 years ago
in Desktop / Questions
Likely to implement
Allow student roles and different prompts for synchronous assessments
It would be terrific if students could enter synchronous mode and see two different halves of an information gap activity. I.e. Student A sees Prompt A, student B sees Prompt B, then they use the information on their respective prompts to carry ou...
Option to automatically playing the next video/audio when you press "submit feedback and next question"
It would save teachers time to not have to click the play button to view the next submission each time. If given the option to have the next submission just start playing as soon as I opened it, I would love that feature!