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Created by Guest
Created on Feb 10, 2022

Different Colors For Prompt vs Answer Sound Waves for AP Simulated conversation

When students play the audio and simultaneously record their response, I cannot hear the audio. I only hear their response. It makes it difficult to know which prompt they are responding to or if they spoke for the entire 20 seconds they are given to respond. I would like to be able to hear both sides of the conversation.

Emmanuel suggested color-coding. This would be ideal in order to jump to their response, but I still want to be able to hear the tone in the original audio that indicates when they are allowed to start and when they must stop talking.

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  • Guest
    Feb 10, 2022

    My classes are very full and if everyone has their computer audio on plus they are all talking, then I won't be able to hear them very well. During practice I can let some of them go out into the hall, but in a testing situation, it would not work to not use headphones.

  • Admin
    Sam Slagle
    Feb 10, 2022

    Hi Rebecca! Agreed that the ideal solution will be through color-coding the prompt vs. the submissions to be more efficient and in doing so it sounds like we will want to offer an option to play both or only the submission.

    Please note that this can be accomplished today if students are not using headphones to record which I know isn't always possible based on the setting. If students are using the device speakers you will be able to hear the prompt and their response.

    Please cast your vote for Emmanuel's suggestion since these relate PROD-I-230


Different Colors For Prompt vs Answer Sound Waves

This was a request that is specific to prepping for AP simulated conversations where Emmanuel from Richardson ISD. He is looking to be able to differentiate student response versus prompt in order to speed up grading and also so he can look out fo...
Britany Schachtner over 3 years ago in Grading 0 Likely to implement