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Teacher Portal

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Ability to Assign Assessments to Individual Students

Right now any assessment is available to everyone in the class. There are times when one student might need a different time limit than others. If some students didn't complete an assessment there would be less confusion when making the assessment...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Assessments 0

Support Auto Grading for Short Written Responses

For example, if the teacher wants to have students transcribe a word, the teacher knows what the correct answer should be. Allow teachers to determine the correct answer for short typed responses so that they grade automatically.
Sam Slagle over 4 years ago in Grading 6

Unit Folders to organize assessments

The ability to organize tasks into folders (i.e., units of study).
Guest almost 5 years ago in Assessments 1 Planned

Multiple Images Per Question

As a teacher, I want the ability to upload multiple images for a single question, creating an "Image Slideshow" for students to tab through while they record a single response. Sometimes images with a lot of information can be difficult for studen...
Guest over 4 years ago in Assessments 1

Customizable comment box for canned feedback

Sometimes when providing feedback to students I need to provide the same comments over and over again. Allowing for a customizable comment box so that all I have to do is click on a canned comment would be helpful in speeding up grading and provid...
Michael Young about 2 years ago in Assessments 5

Ongoing Assessment so students can't pause between questions

After students respond to a question, add a "Submit and Next Question" option so that students can't pause between questions. Currently, after responding students are lead back to the Assessment page to select the next question.
Sam Slagle almost 5 years ago in Assessments / Student Portal 4 Planned

Ability to provide a cumulative score by Assessment

Right now a score is provided per question if a rubric is present. A cumulative score for the assessment is calculated based on this. Some prefer to grade the entire assessment rather than a grade per question to make grading more efficient.
Sam Slagle almost 5 years ago in Grading 2

Record simulated conversation in the platform

Allow instructors to record audio in the platform after selecting AP sim. conv. It would be great if the recording feature could function like audio on iMovie or similar where I could insert a beep/pause/beep to quickly create my own practice. Thi...
Holly Strand over 1 year ago in Assessments 0

Download text submissions

So many teachers love downloading audio and video submissions, but have mentioned they'd like to download the written submissions as well. And to put the cherry on top, include the comments & score along with the submission.
Jessica Sloan over 1 year ago in Gradebook 0 Likely to implement

Randomize Questions to help avoid student cheating (question bank)

Ability to have a question bank while determining the number of questions that will be part of the assessment. For example, a teacher might have 10 questions in the question bank and selects that it is a 5 question assessment. By randomly assignin...
Sam Slagle almost 5 years ago in Assessments 0