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Don't display grade until feedback has been viewed/played

Idea from District 196. This feature would prevent students from being able to view their grade/score until after they have listened or viewed the feedback that was provided. This feature should be configurable by the account.
Guest over 3 years ago in Student Portal 0

Flexible room changes in synchronous

It would be great if we could have a feature similar to Zoom breakout rooms, where we could move students from room to room, even once the synchronous activity has already started. I know you can make changes ahead of time, but giving teachers thi...
Megan Williams over 3 years ago in Assessments 1 Unlikely to implement

Finding Student View on Extempore

I simply cannot find it easily Can it be unbder the name with the down arrow.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Teacher Portal 1 Will not implement

It would be nice if the students did not see future tests / questions.

If I schedule a test for the future, I would like for the students not to see it. I have several who just for fun will click on everything. It would be great if the assessment would only be visible to the students for the day/date/hour that I sche...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Assessments 2 Already exists

Option to print assessment contents and/or student work when applicable

(idea from Pauline Sinnamon) It would be nice to have the option to print assessment details and student summaries. Of course video/audio cannot be printed but anything written and grades could be a printable option. Video Audio Handling: Q1 "Ques...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Teacher Portal 3

Allow student roles and different prompts for synchronous assessments

It would be terrific if students could enter synchronous mode and see two different halves of an information gap activity. I.e. Student A sees Prompt A, student B sees Prompt B, then they use the information on their respective prompts to carry ou...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Assessments 0

Canvas integration

We're switching to the Canvas LMS next year. This could be a make or break feature for us.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Integrations 2 Already exists

A way to hid Future activities form the Student view

Teachers may not want students to see what activities are coming in the future. It rests from the freedom or deleting or adding activities. I don't seem to find a change this.
Marta Gonzalez-Lloret almost 4 years ago in Student Portal 1 Already exists

Block students from assignments when they are absent

Sometimes students are absent during assessments. They only way I have been able to prevent them from attempting them (even if they only have 1 chance) is to post date the activity. It would be nice to have a tie in with the class list so that I c...
Michael Young about 4 years ago in Assessments 0

"Needs grading" view option

Just like there is a "hide students without attempts" option, there should be an option for instructors to only view students/questions that still need grading. Right now, we see all of them, including those we have already graded, and there is no...
Florencia Henshaw about 4 years ago in Grading 3 Already exists