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Ability to Preview Cards

It would be GREAT if you could allow a preview of the card instead of having to add it to your class. By not allowing us to preview, it really slows down the research. Personally, I would probably stay away from Commons if I'm not allowed to previ...
Guest over 2 years ago in Integrations 1

Feedback Notification

It would be amazing if students were notified via email that feedback has been left for them.
Guest over 2 years ago in Student Portal 1 Already exists

Create an iPad/iPhone teacher app

It would be very nice to log in from my ipad to update tests/posts items in google classroom. It would be handy for grading and creating assignments on the go, too. :-)
Guest almost 3 years ago in Integrations 0

Allow google classroom to hold assignments as "drafts" or "scheduled assignments" instead of posting immediately/at test open date

Other assessment platforms immediately put the assessment into google classroom, but as a scheduled draft for the time the assessment opens. This allows me to either change that to a draft and then post it at the appropriate time (ie snow day/sub ...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Integrations 5

Sound after prep time is up

When students are given time to review a question their screens darken and they cannot see when the 3, 2, 1 appears. THis has caused some students to begin their recordings late or not record at all. If possible, can a sound effect be added when t...
Michael Young almost 3 years ago in Student Portal 0 Unlikely to implement

Could the student navigation system actually prevent the students from leaving the page?

My students are mostly on chromebook which I beleive is a feature that is available for MCAS (Massachusetts stadardized testing)
Guest almost 3 years ago in  0 Will not implement

Completion based assessments, option to automatically "Mark Complete" after submission is received.

As a teacher, if the assessment does not include a rubric, I would like two options for "Mark Complete" Manual, not considered complete until I mark it Automatic, considered complete once submitted This would be more efficient for "Completion Base...
Sam Slagle almost 3 years ago in Grading 0

Allow teachers to leave private comments/notes when grading

As a teacher, I want to leave private notes when reviewing student submissions so I can leave a quick note for myself that students will not see. This would be valuable when quickly reviewing submissions and planning to grade or provide feedback l...
Sam Slagle almost 3 years ago in Grading 0

Submit anything recorded if a student gets locked out

If a student recorded anything before getting locked out of a single attempt question, whatever was recorded should be be submitted to the instructor. There are still scenarios where a students could get locked out before recording anything. For e...
Sam Slagle almost 3 years ago in  0

An easier way for teachers to move students between classes

As a teacher with block scheduling and 2 terms, we often have kids switching blocks at the term change. Currently students are only able to change classes within the first 30-days of enrolling in the first class. Current solution: Teacher shares n...
Sam Slagle almost 3 years ago in Classes 0