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Teacher Portal

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Block students from assignments when they are absent

Sometimes students are absent during assessments. They only way I have been able to prevent them from attempting them (even if they only have 1 chance) is to post date the activity. It would be nice to have a tie in with the class list so that I c...
Michael Young about 4 years ago in Assessments 0

Late submission notifications

I would love to get an email when an assignment has been submitted after the due date. It would also be helpful to have a flag on the late assignments in the gradebook when reviewing the submission.
Guest about 1 year ago in Gradebook 0

Question Copying- Open In New Tab

I am currently creating a review assessment for the beginning of the year and copying a few questions from each of my unit assessments from last year. After copying the question, it takes me to the page for the new assessment and I have to then na...
Betty Brown 6 months ago in Questions 0

Add a feature that locks a question after an assessment is complete

When offering an assignment to more than one group of students, it's very hard to prevent cheating. Students are able to see, listen to and download their assessment. Can you create a locking option to prevent students from sharing assessments wit...
Guest over 4 years ago in Assessments 3 Already exists

New Data Points/Analytics for Teachers

Number of times students listens to prompt. Number of times student records a multiple attempt question. Number of times a student attempt was 'unlocked' Minutes spoke per question, per assessment, and total. Time assessment opened versus when it ...
Sam Slagle almost 5 years ago in Teacher Portal 0

Ability to Mass Select student responses in 'Grading'

To make deleting multiple student attempts less cumbersome. To allow for a grade/feedback to be provided in the masses.
Sam Slagle almost 5 years ago in Grading 1

Add Rich Text Editor for question prompts and typed feedback

I feel like having the ability to underline, bold, italicize, add bullet points, etc for the feedback boxes would help be able to give stronger and more direct comments. Especially for when showing how to correct a mistake in a written response th...
Isabel Janelli over 4 years ago in Student Portal / Teacher Portal 0 Likely to implement

Add stamps/emojis for quick graded items

It would be nice to include stamps for quick graded items. Here is an idea for that ( ).
Sam Slagle over 1 year ago in Gradebook 0

Question bank

Created questions can be selected to add to a question bank for easier assessment creation. When adding to the question bank teachers could tag the question with different parameters for easier filtering later on (summative, formative, etc.)
Holly Strand over 1 year ago in Assessments 0

The ability to temporarily "hide" student work that has already been graded on the grading screen

When grading late work or grading over multiple days, it is really nice to see which submissions have not yet been graded. This would save teachers time so that they do not need to scroll through all the names to find ungraded work.
Marie LoPrell over 4 years ago in Grading 1 Will not implement