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Edlyn Romero about 4 years ago in  2 Planned

Allow external link upload for reference on assessments/questions

I would like the ability to load an external link to an assessment/question so that students can reference it prior to completing their speaking. For example, I may want them to watch a video or view an infographic before completing the assessment...
Guest about 4 years ago in Assessments 1

Bulk delete submissions of a student for a single assessment

If a student does an assignment incorrectly and you want to delete their submission, it would be helpful to have a checkbox of which ones to delete or just a delete all submission from student button. I'm having to to it one by one with the page r...
Weronika Trejo about 4 years ago in Grading 0 Planned

Change Grading Criteria After Submitting

I wish there were a way to change the grading criteria after students have already submitted. I foolishly didn't have a rubric set for an assignment and couldn't change it because students had already submitted it.
Weronika Trejo about 4 years ago in Grading 0 Will not implement

Support screen recording

I would love for students to be able to share their slides/screen record while doing a video that also shows them - I'm particularly thinking of presentational speaking tasks. Right now I am having students create a video on loom and then upload t...
Guest about 4 years ago in Integrations 0 Planned

See one question from all students in one page

I think it would be helpful to have a feature to see all "Question 1" submissions on one page to eliminate the clicking for each student. That way, you can be more efficient.
Weronika Trejo about 4 years ago in Grading 0

Transfer students (and their data) to new class

While it is currently not possible to adjust time settings for a single student (for 504/iep accommodations), I am creating a separate 504/iep class for those students for when I do timed assessments and would need to adjust settings. I already st...
Megan Williams over 4 years ago in Classes 0

Add a feature that locks a question after an assessment is complete

When offering an assignment to more than one group of students, it's very hard to prevent cheating. Students are able to see, listen to and download their assessment. Can you create a locking option to prevent students from sharing assessments wit...
Guest over 4 years ago in Assessments 3 Already exists

Ability to send a sample of the student work and email to parents

Ability to enter a parents email address to send them a summary of the students work. Allow teacher to add a note to the parent Allow teacher to specify which questions/assignments parent is seeing
Sam Slagle over 4 years ago in Teacher Portal 2 Planning to implement

Allow students to first response with text, and then read their text response with audio/video

If we allow students to answer with both writing AND speaking, we can assess their language proficiency in multi-areas. Student responds to question via text Student sees text response and records themselves reading the response
Guest over 4 years ago in Assessments 0