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Inline video feedback option to insert feedback at specific points

Allow teachers to provide feedback to students when they submit videos. Allowing teachers to pause the video when they hear or see (ASL) an error and can give students immediate feedback at the "time" in the video.
Guest about 2 years ago in Grading 0

Fixing video playback

Students should by default be able to pause videos and navigate videos as they normally do on other video watching platforms. Preventing students from pausing videos can cause of a lot of waiting and impatience for students, who then have to try t...
Grant Castner about 2 years ago in Submissions 1 Planned

Support review time of 0 seconds

Currently, when wanting to prevent students from previewing a question, selecting 0 seconds results in an error message, with the solution being typing in a 1-second option. A suggested improvement would be to allow selecting 0 seconds instead of ...
Michael Young about 2 years ago in Assessments 4 Will not implement

Customizable comment box for canned feedback

Sometimes when providing feedback to students I need to provide the same comments over and over again. Allowing for a customizable comment box so that all I have to do is click on a canned comment would be helpful in speeding up grading and provid...
Michael Young about 2 years ago in Assessments 5

Previewing assessment

Sometimes I would like to preview an assessment from the student's perspective before it goes live. Currently even if it is scheduled I am not able to preview what the students will see that that I can proof/edit the assignment. It seems that the ...
Michael Young about 2 years ago in Integrations 1 Already exists

Create new rubrics

I wish we could create a rubrics and save them for future use WITHOUT having to create an assignment.
Ana Diaz about 2 years ago in Rubrics 1 Already exists

Don't allow students to start typing until review time ends

When students are doing a writing prompt, as soon as they click into the text box to start typing their answer, the preview countdown clock disappears. Students have stated that it doesn't seem fair especially if they want to use the extra time to...
Michael Young about 2 years ago in Bug 2 Unlikely to implement

The flow of moving through grading

I've found that when grading, when I move from one student to the next, rather than being brought to the next student's first response, I am present with their last question to listen to and grade.
Michael Young about 2 years ago in Bug 1 Already exists

The ability to release responses back to students all at once

Sometimes I want my students to use Extempore for practice so that both they and I can listen to their recordings. Currently it seems that the only way for me to give my students access to listen to their recordings is if I go through each student...
Michael Young about 2 years ago in Grading 3 Already exists

Option for teachers to receive an email notification when students submit an assignment

(Idea from Bill Langley) Currently teachers need to check the Gradebook to see if new responses have been submitted. Since that could turn into a lot of emails I'd like to propose two potential options. Option 1: Teacher receives an email with a l...
Sam Slagle about 2 years ago in Teacher Portal 0